Why Network Firewall is really important?

  1. Bill Gates once said ” I feel pity on people who says they dont care if their  devices  got “Hacked” they don’t have anything in their bank accounts, hacker won’t get anything from them, I think they are not aware about identity theft, if your identity get compromise it will cost you more than what you have earned in your entire life.

That’s why security for our devices especially Network devices need proper protection and when we think about protection of devices especially computer one thing which strikes in everybody’s mind that is ”Antivirus”( Norton, McAfee, webroot, kaspersky, avast, Etc) some people might go for next Level Malware byte , superantispyware and many more, but most of them don’t know after 2016 these security are only 20-30% protection for computer only even they can’t protect your other devices. We are living in wifi 5G era now virus is not only threats for our devices there are malware , Spyware, Adware and Network infection and in wifi era with one network we connect many Devices if our network got infected we might loose all the devices on the same network which includes computer, laptop, router, modem, printer , smart phones, Alexa, GPS Garmin , Gaming console, Kindle etc. Anything which you can connect to your WiFi even smart TV are also not safe with these network infection.

That’s why Network Security came in picture in 2017 and till December 2019 Network Firewall is the only protection which can consider as 100% Protection for any network devices. Firewall security can give you peace of mind atleast your devices and identity are 100% safe.


Firewall is a software or hardware device that protects your computer or Network devices from being attacked over the internet by hackers, viruses, and worms. This may occur either at a large corporate network, or simply at a small home network; both have the same security issues.
Having a firewall in each company’s internet connection allows the business to setup online rules for the users. For example, with the firewall the company can control the access to certain websites, giving it the control of how employees use the network. These are the different ways of how a firewall controls the online activities:

  • Packet filtering: small amount of data is analyzed and distributed according to the filter’s standards. .
  • Proxy service: online Information is saved by the firewall and then sent to the requesting system.
  • Stateful inspection: matches specific details of a data packet to a database of reliable information.

This picture explain you how network firewall works

Got a smart home device as a gift? Don’t forget to secure it

If your device has an internet connection, take a few extra minutes to set up security measures.

If your device has an internet connection, take a few extra minutes to set up security measures. Pictured is an Alexa Echo Dot in September. [Chris Urso | Times] [CHRIS URSO  |  Times]
Pictured is an Alexa Echo Dot in September. [Chris Urso | Times] [CHRIS URSO | Times]

By Malena CarolloPublished Dec. 26, 2019

The holidays are over, the wrapping paper’s thrown away and it’s finally time to set up your new smart home device.

Whether you’re welcoming an Alexa from Amazon into your home or a Roomba with WiFi capabilities, internet-connected devices bring a host of privacy issues, particularly if they are left unsecured.

“There’s a lot of things the bad guys can steal from you” with a smart device, said Guillermo Francia, cybersecurity professor at the University of West Florida.

Smart assistants such as Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa are designed to listen for your commands. If a hacker were to get access to it, they could listen for information such as birth dates, passwords and private conversations that could help them steal your identity or get payment card information.ADVERTISEMENT

A WiFi-connected home security camera could help a hacker watch you type in a password for an account or figure out when you’re not home so they can attempt a burglary.

“Just putting it in your bedroom can let (a hacker) see in real time,” Francia said.

You’re not immune if your connected device doesn’t have a camera or microphone, either. Don’t forget that it probably runs on the same WiFi network as more sensitive devices, such as your home computer. If a hacker gets access to one device on your network, they can use it as a jumping point to others.

“They can start roaming around your network and get to your computer,” he said. “Maybe (they) put malware on your computer and collect all your banking information, your credit card.”

To protect against these problems, take a few basic steps security experts recommend.

Why do you need a firewall?

According to a study by NCSA Cyber Security, only 4% of Americans say they understand firewalls “completely”, while more than 44% don’t understand firewalls at all – or know if they have one enabled on their Network. 50% confused between computer firewall or Network Firewall So for those of you who feel a little unsure – below is a brief overview of why you might need a firewall.

If your PC is connected to the Internet, you are a potential target to an array of cyber threats, such as hackers, keyloggers, Network infection and Trojans that attack through unpatched security holes. This means that if you, like most people shop and bank online, are vulnerable to identity theft and other malicious attacks.

A firewall works as a barrier, or a shield, between your PC and cyber space. When you are connected to the Internet, you are constantly sending and receiving information in small units called packets. The firewall filters these packets to see if they meet certain criteria set by a series of rules, and thereafter blocks or allows the data. This way, hackers cannot get inside and steal information such as bank account numbers and passwords from you.

Basic firewalls such as the one included in Windows XP, only monitor incoming traffic by default. This may give you a false sense of security. Keep in mind, outgoing traffic, with your credit card information, bank accounts, and social security number is not protected. A good firewall will monitor traffic in both directions. That is, both your incoming data and your outgoing data, keeping your private information safe. In addition to preventing unauthorized access to your PC or other network devices, it also makes your PC or devices invisible when you’re online, helping prevent attempted intrusions in the first place.

Most sophisticated firewalls also include a feature that continuously updates the list of known good and known malicious applications. This way, the amount of questions relating to Internet access is minimized and your computer protection is always up-to-date.

(Compare) Antivirus or Internet Security ? which one to choose?

Antivirus or Internet Security Difference

Antivirus and Internet Security Difference

Many people get confused between antivirus and Internet Security product. Which one is better or which one to choose? antivirus or Internet Security. Here I have tried to mention Antivirus and Internet Security differencesIt can help you to choose the best Antivirus or Internet Network Firewall Security.

AntivirusInternet Security Suite
It is a standalone antivirus program. These days some companies also include Anti-malware and some other basic security features in it.It is a collection of many features including antivirus like Firewall, Antimalware, Antispyware, AntiSpam etc.
Normally Firewall not includedFirewall Included
Can be usefull for just basic protectionEffective for full protection from Internet threats and USB threats
Free or in cheap price rangeCostly then antivirus
Can be useful for Basic protection for home users.Useful for Business users and serious home users to protect data.

Anti virus can only scans the virus that it knows. It cannot prevent any virus it does not recognize. So Anti-virus software just fights Viruses, Worms and Trojans they have signatures for and just provides a basic protection. But because as technologies grows method of cyber crime also get advanced and bad people uses many other methods to do the bad things with computer users. Though these days many antivirus software providers are using cloud based and behavioral protection system to make the antiviruses more powerful. But still there is one thing that mostly all provider miss in their antivirus is Firewall. Firewall works greatly to protect the device from hackers etc.

Internet Security includes and provide defense against many threats and keep the computer secure even from hackers. It is not just one program, but is usually composed more than one application that aims to provide total protection towards the user. Still at its core is certainly an anti-virus program. But aside from an anti-virus program, another programs inside the suite provide more peace of mind in the potential risks that came into being along with the web age. It includes the another application that’s essential in a web-based security suite is a firewall. A firewall limits others on the internet from getting utilization of your computer or network by decreasing connection demands .Internet Security Suite could safeguard you from spyware and adware programs that could send your own personal together with additional information to organizations outdoors and other sorts of malware and spy ware.

Many antivirus companies are providing even more features in a Internet Security suite these days. Like Multiple layer of protection, two way firewall, System Cleaner, Parental Control, Community based protection, Social Network Protection etc. But still they are good for computer at some extend not 100% secure, what about other devices you have on your Network.

Different Software provider have different features in their particular product, So choose wisely and read and compare all the features carefully before making your decision to buy an antivirus or Internet Security Program.

So just only antivirus is not enough to keep your computer safe & secure. You need a Internet Security Software. Always buy a total internet protection or Internet Network Firewall Security suite to keep your computer safe & Secure. Although it costs you a little more but it would give you a complete peace of mind.

Network Firewall are expansive but worth it if you will take it as an investment not as an expenses.

there are two ways you can activate firewall in your Network either you can get a hardware device which has inbuilt firewall (recommended to only business people because hardware devices are highly expensive and beyond the limit of common home users) or software cloud based next generation network firewall (suitable for all home user because they are pocket friendly and also give you 100% protection)

Some of the best hardware network firewall brand in pics below :

hardware firewall are highly expensive security that’s why expert always recommend home user to go with cloud based software network firewall security

if you are not tech savvy best way to get a firewall in your Network hire a networking experts according to your location not any local technician or computer store(geek squad or staples) otherwise you will end up buying one more latest antivirus for your computer which will give you only 30-40% for your pc only.

Some of the best networking expert team based on user ratings which are reasonable and cost effective. you can try if they support your location-:

  1. ITBA solutions. Highly recommended as per users ratings provide support for only USA, UK, CANADA, AUS, INDIA.
  2. Netgate. Currently only support USA and AUS.
  3. Cisco. Globally provide support but their tech support is expensive and waiting time for support is very long you might have to wait for 2 hour on the phone for your turn maybe because they provide support for all countries they have huge call rush always, if you are from the country not supported by ITBA or Netgate you can try Cisco support.
  4. Godaddy . Provide support globally but only for those who has their own website with godaddy domain.

list provided above is based on customer ratings and experiences.

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